Latest Updates!

Bible Study - Wednesday, November 19

Outreach Event - Friday, December 5
- more information to come!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Murder Mystery Night!

Murder Mystery Night!!

This Friday, December 12!!

Come for food at 7:00 p.m.

The game starts at 8:00 p.m.

This fun-filled night of mystery will be held at Dan's house.

You don't wanna miss out!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

change of date!!!

Hey Youth!!

There has been a little change of plans!!

The Youth Outreach Event will no longer be held on Friday, November 28.

It is now scheduled for Friday, December 5!!!

Please put this on you calendar!! It will be a very fun-filled "Murder Mystery" night!!

Thanks again!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

stay tuned youth!

Youth, get ready to put your thinking caps on and get your minds in gear!!

On Friday, November 28th, the Youth Leaders of the BIC will be hosting a special

Murder Mystery Night

for all of you youth!!!

So stay tuned! More CLUES to come!!

Don't forget about our Church Building Fund!

Attention all YOUTH!!

Please don't forget to bring your "Building Fund" financial donation to Bible Studies every Wednesday!

Pastor David will be collecting your donations every week.

Remember, every little bit counts!! We really appreciate all the help we can get!!

Please donate! Thanks again for your support!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

we need YOUR help!

Attention all YOUTH!!
(<-- look at all those sad and disappointed youth! especially Geoffrey! and it looks like Giselle is wiping a tear! well turn those frowns upside down!)

Guess what!? The Bridge International Church is SSSOOOOOO close to getting their very own CHURCH BUILDING!!! Yup, it's true!

But we need your help. You see, as of now, we have already raised $120,000 towards the down payment for the building! Wow!

Unfortunately, that's not enough! We need to raise enough money to put down a 50% down payment of $300,000 for the building.

So how much do we need to raise still? A whopping $180,000!!! Crazy! But with God's help and YOUR help, we can do this!

Youth, ANY LITTLE BIT COUNTS!!! Everything adds up in the end! Even if you could sacrifice just ONE meal at McDonald's for example, that would be so helpful! Even 1 dollar! Each cent will just bring us closer and closer to our goal! Can you make a difference!?

Just think about it... if we had our very own church building, that's just it, it would be OURS! Aren't you TIRED of not having a Church building to call your own!?

Picture this... Our very own building to host our very own YOUTH RALLIES!!! And ever been interested in a Sunday Youth Service (just for Youth of course!!)!!??? Well, we can have it! Need a place for Youth events?? Got it! Don't have a place for Bible Study one week? Oh wait, we can use our Church! Need a better place to teach Sunday School? Well, we can use one of the classrooms!

We can have all of that! And you can be a part of bringing us one step closer!

If you are interested in donating, please come prepared to bring your generous donation to Church on Sunday, October 19! Or, you can give it to Pastor David and he will make sure it gets to the right place!

Thank you for your help =)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Great Job Arvin!

A big THANKS to Arvin Agtarap for a job well done on teaching for Sunday School (October 12th)!!! He did NOT let us down!!! Arvin presented the topic of "Angels" with excellent teaching skills!! What was the MOST impressive was his great knowledge on the subject! He definitely did his research. 3 cheers for a job well done!

We hope to hear many more Sunday School topics taught by you, Arvin!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oct. 3rd Youth Rally!!

The Youth Rally on Friday, October 3rd at the Calgary Chinese Baptist Church was EXCELLENT!!! There was a HUGE turnout of guests of all ages!! From several comments heard, it seems that all of the guests had a great time! Not only was the rally very funny and entertaining (the creative skit, the ice-breaker games, fun worship songs and Pastor David's comedic sermon stories), but also very touching, heart-transforming, informative and eye-opening. God was really moving in that place that night, there's no doubt about it! He was sure to have touched many lives that night, young and old alike.

A BIG THANKS again to the Calgary Chinese Baptist Church for letting us host it at their place and for all of their help!! And for providing delicious SNACKS for all of the guests at the end of the rally! It was altogther a great night!

And a BIG THANKS to all of the Youth and College & Career who put their time and effort into helping make this rally happen!! From the skit to the worship band, everyone did their very best! Good job everyone!

We sure hope to have many more Youth Rally's to come!!

The picture album for the Youth Rally was already uploaded!!  Please scroll down and look to the right of this page to view the album from the picture gallery, or you can view them here!!

Youth Rally October 2008!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

come and join us!!!

Youth Rally Today!!!!

7:30 p.m.

Calgary Chinese Baptist Church

3907 44 Ave NE

Come for an amazing experience!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

the votes are in!!

Well Bridge Youth, the votes are just rolling in!! And by votes, i mean the votes for the Poll Question of "Where should we go for our 2009 back to school event?"!!!

This is usually the "last blast of summer" before the school year begins!!

SO FAR, it looks like Wild Rapids Waterpark at Sylvan Lake is in the lead by 2 votes!!!!

Here is the summary so far:
- West Edmonton Waterpark - 4 votes
- Wild Rapids Waterpark - 6 votes
- Daytrip to Banff - 4 votes
- Other - 0 votes

If you haven't voted already, please do so!! You can vote on the right side bar, just scroll down a little bit!

Parents, you can vote too!! This may be an important vote for you as well because we just might need help with parent drivers when that time comes around again ;).

Personally as Flying Man!, my vote is in for Wild Rapids too!! Think about how much fun we had there!! Remember the HALF PIPE!!??? We must not pass up that opportunity again!! Do it for the half pipe!!!

Click below to view the 2007 Youth/College Wild Rapids video!!! Check out how fun it was!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

upcoming Youth Rally!


Don't forget about the YOUTH RALLY coming up on Friday, October 3rd, at 7:30 p.m.!!!

This event will be held at:

Calgary Chinese Baptist Church
3907 44 Avenue NE (close to the Whitehorn LRT station)

It's going to be a BIG event!!

**Most importantly - Please bring your FRIENDS!!!**

For more information, contact Youth Pastor David Cay.

attention all youth!!


Check out the latest photo album of the "1st Annual 2008 Youth Olympic Games"!!

Now available for viewing!!
Or scroll down and look onto the right sidebar to view the link!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

success!! 3 cheers for the Olympic Games!!

For the very first time in the history of the Bridge International Youth, we finally had our very own "Youth Olympic Games"!!!  This event was held on Friday, September 26th.  

The result:  a success!!!

The youth were truly amazed at amount of work that was put into the creation of this event, especially the PRIZES!!! 

These prizes were definitely not CHEAP.  And the best part, ALL participating youth got a prize and were deemed "winners"!!!  Not a single youth was left out!

There were 3 teams in total, playing round robin games of Football and Soccer.  

The only disadvantage to playing during this time of the year was how it got DARK FAST.  This is definitely a kink that will need to be worked out for the "2nd Annual Youth Olympic Games"!  All of the youth leaders now have a better perspective on how to make the next olympic games not only BETTER, but a lot more FUN too!!  And with even more AMAZING prizes!!  We will DEFINITELY step it up next year!!  Not to worry my youth friends!!

The 3 teams that played were:
- The Triple B's (BBB) 'N Harmony
- The Average Joe's
- The Mohinder's   

The team that came out on TOP was:


Congratulations to all of the team members of the Average Joe's!!

Not only did they win the title of first place, but they also got to win the GOLDEN SPUD CUP!!!  And NOT ONLY did they get to WIN this trophy, but they also got to SIGN THEIR NAMES on this very sacred trophy!!!  Amazing!!

"Average Joe's" team members:
- Jonathan Whitson
- David Lodovica
- Lyke Guevarra
- Ace Manuyag
- Shanelle Sanchez
- Patrick Roy
- Miguel Aquino (even with a bad ankle!)
- Shaula Cay


Also, a BIG congrats to our chosen MVP of the Youth Olympic Games 2008:
- Lyke Guevarra!!!

The leaders chose Lyke due to his determination on the field, his hard work, and his lack of complaining or quarreling on the field.  Good job Lyke!  He won a $40 gift certificate to Walmart!  That place that has it all!

Other "door prize" winners:
- Ace Manuyag - Cineplex movie ticket
- Patrick Roy - Cineplex movie ticket
- Emily Morales - Cineplex movie ticket
- Niki Roy - Cinnzeo gift card

- Shanelle Sanchez - mini nerf football
- Moses Aquino - $10 HMV gift card
- Arvin Agtarap - mini basketball net

All teams received prizes!!  Excellent work!!

Pictures from the event will be posted VERY SOON!!  Keep an eye out for the album within the week!!

A big THANK YOU to all of the leaders who worked hard to help this event run!
- Youth Pastor David Cay
- Dan Cay
- Lanein Reynoso
- Rhea Campbell
- Jonathan Whitson
- Shaula Cay

We hope all the youth had fun at our very 1st Annual Youth Olympic Games!  

Hope to see you all next year for the "2nd Annual Youth Olympic Games"!!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

what's this!?

A new mascot for the 1st Annual Olympic Youth Games!?

It can't be!!!

Will he come out tomorrow onto the field at the games?? We'll just have to wait and see...

spotted!! the Golden Spud Cup!!

Guess what Bridge Youth!?!?

We've upped the athletic games just a little bit!!

Who will come out on top is the question!?

Just a sneak peak...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

coming up! "1st Annual Youth Olympic Games"!

Come one, come all!!

Our very "1st Annual Youth Olympic Games" will be happening THIS FRIDAY, September 26th, 2008 at 6:30 pm!!

These very competitive games will be hosted at David and Shaula's house, at their very own Olympic field!

This event will be HUGE!!! You don't wanna miss it!!
Be sure to bring your athletic abilities, and bring your friends too!!!


This will be an event of a lifetime!!

(you must have a Facebook login to do so!)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

spotted!! the revamped youth website!!

Attention all YOUTH!!!

Wanna know what the hottest spot on the web is for the latest and greatest BRIDGE YOUTH news/info/updates??

Well you've come to the right place!!

Please check back often for new updates soon!! Pictures, games, blogs, and fun stuff soon to come!!!

Stay tuned!

Wild Rapids Waterpark Sylvan Lake 2007!!